Nieuws & Media . 9 Overall 9 JINC, “solliciteren bij de baas”

JINC, “solliciteren bij de baas”

JINC organized “Solliciteren bij de baas” this week! CEOs and directors from Almere and Lelystad taught the students the ins and outs of job applications.

Lelystad Airport was also present. “A fantastic concept and valuable to be able to contribute,” said the CEO of the airport.

JINC fights for a society where your background does not determine your future. Where every child gets opportunities. To achieve this, JINC helps children from 8 to 16 years old to get a good start in the job market. Through the JINC program, children get to know various professions, discover which work suits their talents, and learn how to apply for jobs. Thanks to JINC, more than 78,000 primary school and vocational school students get the chance to grow annually. JINC has grown into a national organization with over 850 partners in the business and education sectors in recent years.

For two days, there were job application trainings at Echnaton in Almere. “Is making a lot of money or enjoying your work more important?” “Should I ask questions at the end of an interview?” “What should I do if I am very nervous?” These were all questions that were addressed during the job application trainings this week. A total of 175 second-year students received job application training from JINC. The trainers taught the students how to make a good impression on a future employer, not only for part-time jobs but also for serious jobs in the future.

It was a morning in which many great connections were made, where many students had a wonderful practice interview, and where both trainers and students learned a lot.

The participants were:

Jan Eerkens Msc. van Lelystad Airport, Saïd Bentarcha van JINC,
Mariska Kloppenburg van Bijzonder Jij, Chantal Visser van Van Wijnen, Coen Hoozemans van Luchtvaartmuseum Aviodrome, Ber Damen van Almeerse Scholen Groep, Jeroen Mast van SPECTO Aerospace, Eric van Veen van BBC Cellpack Benelux Electrical Products