Nieuws & Media . 9 Overall 9 BNR The Friday Move, live from Lelystad Airport

BNR The Friday Move, live from Lelystad Airport

On 23 June 2023, Lelystad Airport served as the location for the live broadcast of BNR The Friday Move.

Wilfred Genee and his co-host Frits Huffnagel were joined by Frank Oostdam of ANVR, Marcel de Nooijer of Transavia, Jan Eerkens of Lelystad Airport and Suzanne Kröger of GroenLinks in a debate on aviation and the Dutch holiday traveller.

Other guests of BNR The Friday Move were John Bes, CEO of FC Almere City, Dennis Grimbergen, alderman of the municipality of Lelystad and Martijn Manders, Maritime archaeologist.

Listen to the dynamic broadcast: