
Lelystad Airport is bij uitstek jouw vertrekbasis. Om Nederland vanaf boven te zien tijdens een rondvlucht bijvoorbeeld. Maar ook: om te leren vliegen, om een vlucht in een professionele simulator te maken of als je voor je werk het vliegtuig pakt.
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Your departure starts at Lelystad Airport. Experience The Netherlands from above during a sightseeing flight, learn to fly, make a flight in a professional simulator or scheduel a business flight.

With an average of  90,000 flight movements (45,000 flights) per year, Lelystad Airport is the largest General Aviation airport in The Netherlands. This airport is a controlled airport where air traffic control (LVNL) mans the tower and safety is paramount.

Rondvluchten, lesvluchten, zakenvluchten and simulatievluchten: your flight start at Lelystad Airport.

Lelystad Airport rondvluchten

Sightseeing flights

Lelystad Airport is The place to learn to fly. For private pilots as well as for professional training.

Lelystad Aiport lesvluchten

Flight lessons

Lelystad Airport is The place to learn to fly. For private pilots as well as for professional training.

Lelystad Airport zakenvluchten

Business aviation

Fly from Lelystad Airport directly – within one day – to several European destinations.

Lelystad Aiport Simulatievluchten 360x200

Simulation flights

Experience for yourself what it’s like to fly?